
5 of the most common health problems that lurk women

5 of the most common health problems that lurk women

5 of the most common health problems that lurk women

Health problems have long been an important issue that continues to be discussed today. Even so, not all health related complaints experienced by men and women are always the same. The difference in shape and anatomy of the body is one of the special factors that must be considered before assessing the health problems of women and men.

In fact, although sometimes there are some diseases with similar symptoms, but the process of treatment and side effects caused by women may be different. For more details, see the full review of health problems that often afflict these women.

What are many women's health problems that occur?

1. Breast cancer

5 of the most common health problems that lurk women

food causes breast cancer, symptoms of breast cancer, characteristics of breast cancer
Cancer can be regarded as one of the main causes of death in the world. One that is often cited as a woman's health problem is breast cancer. This is one type of cancer in women that distinguishes it from men, in addition to cervical cancer and ovarian cancer.
There are 1.67 million cases of cancer that occur throughout the world, where 883 thousand cases attack developing regions and 794 thousand others in developed regions.
This cancer initially attacks the lining of the milk duct, then spreads quickly to other parts. The initial sign that you should look at when a lump appears in the breast.

2. Cervical cancer

5 of the most common health problems that lurk women

causes of cervical cancer symptoms of cervical cancer are characteristics of cervical cancer
Cancer of the cervix or cervical cancer is another type of cancer which until now is still quite warmly discussed as one of women's health issues. This cancer develops rapidly so that it grows malignant tumors in the cervix.
Dr. Falvia Bustreo, as assistant director of family, women's and children's health at the WHO, revealed that world health figures reported that there were around half a million women who died of cervical cancer. This mortality rate mostly occurs in developing countries.
That is why, every woman is recommended to do an examination as early as possible to detect the possibility of the growth of cancer cells in the breast, ovary or cervix. For Dr. Bustreo, this is one of the keys to keeping life healthy for women.

3. Stress Work

5 of the most common health problems that lurk women
streess work

According to a recent survey from the American Psyochological Association, mentions that stress is a health issue that often occurs among women. Even in more severe cases, stress can develop into depression.
Reporting from the Reader 's Digest page, the National Center for Health Statistics said that women are twice as likely to experience depression than men. The reason is because the biological condition of the woman's body that makes her more prone to depression, was told by Deboral Serani, PsyD, a writer for Depression in Later Life.
Factors of hormonal changes in the body that occur every month, after childbirth, and before and after menopause that play a role in increasing stress and depression in women.

4. Reproductive health

5 of the most common health problems that lurk women
vaginal sweating

The anatomical, shape and organ differences that exist in reproduction are one reason why women's health problems are often a conversation. For example, not a few women complain of some symptoms when their monthly guests arrive, less menstrual blood than usual, until the menstrual schedule changes.
Quoting from the WHO website, reproductive and sexual health issues take up a third of all health issues for women aged 15-44 years. Unsafe sex occupies a major risk factor for sexually transmitted diseases in women.
In addition, the nature of women to conceive and give birth also makes them vulnerable to health problems. Both in the reproductive area, or to spread to other body parts.

5. Autoimmune disease

5 of the most common health problems that lurk women
symptoms of lupus in women

Autoimmune disease is a health disorder in which the body's immune system, which is supposed to fight infection, actually attacks healthy cells in the body. As a result, there are various serious diseases. Lupus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatism, and psoriasis, are several types of autoimmune diseases.
According to the American Autoimmune Related Disease Association, approximately 75 percent of autoimmune diseases attack women. It is uncertain what triggers autoimmune diseases, but genetic factors, hormones, and environmental influences are believed to be the main causes.
On this basis, Diane Helentjaris, MD, a family doctor in the United States who once served as the leader of the American Medical Women's Association, advised every woman to routinely carry out health checks. The goal is to get a diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible if it turns out that it is at risk of experiencing serious conditions.

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